The Difference Between News and Rhetoric

News is an unpublished account of public action, which seeks simply to inform, interest, or entertain the readers about some happenings that are taking place in the world today. The first requirement of news therefore is that such a publication must not have previously been published anywhere else. This can be verified by checking out newspapers, magazines, and online publications for news. However, this requirement does not restrict you from making submissions to other established media, particularly television. In fact, news can be made more interesting by drawing on popular culture as well.

News also entails the reporting of recent events. While earlier news meant only those happening in the local area, today it has assumed the form of global news, especially when it comes to scientific and technological development. So, even though there may be no local version of the story, it is unlikely that the same reader will not have heard of the latest technological advancements in some other part of the world. As a result, the extent of news includes globular reporting, especially of recent events.

News may influence listeners and readers in many ways. If a story reflects on a local interest, it is likely to influence readers in that area. Likewise, if readers find the news engaging, they are more likely to stay tuned to it through the end of the day.

News, therefore, is an informal means of communicating to readers. It involves the use of popular culture as a medium to make news. Such informal communication has a number of interesting consequences. Firstly, news means something that is not formulated or designed specifically; it is informal. Because of this, it involves more subtlety than the more formal news that is usually aimed at readers and journalists.

Secondly, news means something that is less constrained by the constraints of time and by geographical limitations. News is more ephemeral. News can change quickly and is less bound by time and space. News, therefore, makes its mark on readers and listeners by changing quickly and by being less constrained by space and time. News is a form of ritual in which something is communicated with great speed and in which there is considerable ambiguity about what is communicated. News makes its mark on readers and on listeners through its speed, its informal nature, and its ambiguity.

News also has a number of different societal effects on listeners and on readers. The informal nature of the transmission of news means that different societies and different cultures have different reactions to it. News in any society changes the social dynamics of that society and makes those dynamics uncertain and potentially changing.